The Irony of Being Lonely in Love
The Irony of Being Lonely in Love
it funny when you are so in love yet it doesn’t satisfy your feelings? It’s not
the idea of you don’t love your partner, but it’s when he or she is there in
the first place but you feel lonely.

in love doesn’t always mean you can feel unlonely. There comes this tragic turn
of a situation that would rule out the fantastic feeling of being in love.
Isn’t it ironic to feel or know of it? But we can never disclose the idea that
it is possible and it is now happening on to some people where the feelings
from the very beginning are failing down and start to wither.
There are many reasons why it would end up being lonely. The man or woman you had when the relationship just started to bloom ended up withering in dead flowers. It’s like the connection is gone, and you can’t find him or her at all because his or her value started to fade. The moment you started to think about how the sparks at the start of time made no more beauty anymore. For example, a problem or anything came up but you can’t share it with him or her. Or when your emotional connection ended up in blurry visions, or you’ve got no more time to sort things out.
though you can feel his or her love at all, there comes a point where you
started to question what if this will come to an end. Sometimes, the thoughts
that are not in the first place may cause loneliness. The happenings where you
won’t want would come in mind and drag your emotions down. Also, when it’s a
special occasion or not at all and you’ve expected that he or she will do this
or that but end up not going on it, and that’s also when you can feel lonely.
Hence, the comparing of your relationship to another may also be the cause of
being lonely.

worst scenario is when you can’t find yourself in the path you decided to take
both. But you know what’s worse on that. It’s when the moment your loneliness
eats you up and you can’t dig the love you have in the very beginning. But the
worse situation is the moment you started to feel lonely; the very first moment
where it all began.
contradictory feelings would stir up the senses and will sometimes end up
breaking up. Therefore, if you are in love and started to feel lonely, address
it immediately and then you can save it.