CSC to refund the examination fee of the cancelled exam
CSC to refund the examination fee of the March 15 registered examinees
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) reminded registered examinees of the March 15, 2020 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test, which was cancelled owing due to COVID-19 pandemic, to claim their ₱500 application fee refund.
Under CSC
Resolution No. 2100304 dated April 5, 2021, the refund must be requested
between May 2021 and December 31, 2021.
The CSC has set two
(2) methods for claiming a refund:
1. Refund in Person; and
2. Refund via Online
1. Refund in Person
In the Authorized/Concerned CSC Regional Office (RO)/ Field Office (FO) (where the examinee originally filed his/her application)
a. For their
scheduling system, communicate with the CSC RO/FO through their Facebook page
or messenger, or call or text.
b. The Refundee must complete the Request for Refund Form (RRF) and submit it to the CSC RO/FO along with an original and photocopy of a valid photo identification card. The form can be downloaded from both the CSC and the RO websites. After the photocopy is validated, the original ID will be returned to the Refundee.
c. When a refund is made by an authorized representative, the refundee must complete the RRF and submit it to the RO/FO where the examinee initially filed his or her examination on the scheduled date of the representative’s appointment for refund.
The representative
is required to submit the following documents:
1. Request for
Refund Form;
2. Authorization
letter (available for download in the CSC/RO
3. Photocopy of
valid ID of the Refundee duly signed by the
4. Original and photocopy of the valid ID of the representative
d. In case the
registered examinee/refundee is already dead, the immediate family member can
claim the refund of examination fee by presenting the following documents:
1. Duly filled out
Request for Refund Form with notation “deceased” after the name of registered
2. Original and
photocopy of valid I.D. of the deceased;
3. Death Certificate
4. Original and photocopy of valid ID of the immediate family member who claims for the refund.
2. Refund via Online
The Refundee must
take the following actions:
a. Fill out RRF
and scan the filled out form.
b. Scan, or take a
clear photo, of front and back sides of any valid government
issued I.D.
3. Send the scanned RRF and ID via
email or messenger or FB account of the
Regional Office.
4. The concerned RO will validate the documents and process the release of refund.
5. For registered examinee/refundee
who is already dead, the immediate family member can claim the refund of examination
fee by scanning and submitting to authorized/concerned RO the following
documents: 1) Duly filled out RRF with notation “deceased” after the name of
registered examinee; 2) Valid I.D. of the deceased; 3) Death Certificate. 4)
Valid ID of immediate family member who claims for the refund.
You can reach out
to your authorized/concerned Regional Offices through the email addresses,
Facebook page, or phone numbers mentioned below.