Combat Duty Pay for AFP/PNP (Proposed Increase)
Bill seeks to increase Combat Duty Pay and Combat Incentive Pay for AFP/PNP uniformed personnel
Last September 26, 2016, Former President Rodrigo R Duterte signed the Executive Order No. 03 s 2016 wherein effective September 1, 2016 the AFP performing combat duties or activities and uniformed personnel of the PNP engaged in actual police operations are entitled to the following:
Combat Duty Pay
is a fixed Php3,000.00 monthly allowance for uniformed personnel of the PNP
engaged in actual police operations (Ref: Sec 1 and 2 EO No. 03, s 2016).
Combat Incentive Pay
is a Php300.00 per day allowance for uniformed personnel of the PNP who figure
directly in actual combat against members of various insurgent, terrorist, and
lawless elements, subject to the following conditions (Ref: Sec 3 EO No. 03, s
the operation must be for a specific c o m b a t mission that is duly covered
by a Mission Order (Letter Order);
the personnel involved in combat must be in the published task organization of
the PNP Mission Order;
the total additional combat incentive pay for each individual shall not exceed
three thousand pesos (Php3,000.00) per month; and
• The combat incentive pay shall be over and
above the combat duty pay of Php3,000.00 for qualified uniformed personnel of
the PNP.
Kusug Tausug Party List Representative Shernee A. Tan-Tambut and Sulu 1st District Representative Samier A Tan have filed House Bill No. 7793 in the 19th Congress that seeks to increase the rates of Combat Duty Pay (CDP) and Combat Incentive pay of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

their explanatory note, the lawmakers noted that the rate of terrorist
activities has grown significantly over years with the emerge of new armed
groups sympathetic to the cause being advanced by extremists.
bravery and patriotism of our soldiers and policemen despite the meager
benefits they expect to receive from the government, they continue to fight the
terrorist (Marawi siege) in fulfillment of their sworn duty to protect our

“In order to recognize the heroism and sacrifices of our soldiers and policemen in the battlefield, who have been fighting various armed groups which threaten our national security, President Duterte issued Executive Order No. 3 (Series of 2016), which increased their Combat Duty Pay to Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) per month and additional Combat Incentive Pay of Three Hundred Pesos (Php 300.00), which shall not exceed Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) per month.”
“However, due to rising cost of commodities and the tremendous risks or hazards they are facing, there is a need to further increase their Combat Duty Pay and Combat Incentive Pay to Six Thousand Pesos (Php 6,000.00) per month, and an additional Combat Incentive Pay of Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00), which shall not exceed Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per month.”