Personal Development

10 Tips How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

10 Tips How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

You are here definitely, for different reasons. Some want to enjoy life to the fullest. Perhaps you like to share and contribute a positive legacy to your family, friends, or maybe to your country.

Everyone wants to have the best version of themselves, but how?

How to be the best version of yourself?

If you want to be victorious in life, get to your top performance, and gain extensive success. You have to use external resources as your leverage because it helps you to become more productive and successful someday.

Here we are going to discuss some important matters for you to attain the best version of yourself.

Listed here 10 actionable tips How to be the best version of yourself, to lead you:

Know your worth.

Specifically, you are valuable to your family and your friends. Value your worth, strive and learn more skills to achieve your objectives in life.

Know your Goal and work on it.

Knowing your goals allows you to focus, be productive and guides you in the right direction.

Be the Best Version of Yourself GOAL
Image Courtesy of Nick Barton

Step out from your comfort zone.

Most people don’t accomplish their goals because they remain at is. You need to show up to be exposed and to explore new things, able you to develop self-confidence.

Take several steps for you to become what you visualize.

How to be the best version of yourself?

Try and don’t be afraid to fail. Failures make a person grow and succeed.

Keep moving in the right direction.

Be confident to learn new skills that can enhance you in a positive way. Don’t stop and grow, until you reach your dreams.

Learn new skills and apply them.

To become successful, you need to open yourself to new things that can boost your creativity or enhance your skills. Don’t just learn, apply it.

Image Courtesy of Nick Barton

Don’t count time, it doesn’t matter.

Avoid counting the time it doesn’t help. Just enjoy things and be productive. Acquire various skills that can help you to be the best version of yourself.

Avoid comparing yourself to other people.

It is very important not to compare yourself to other people. Remember that you are different, and everyone is unique. If you keep on comparing yourself to other people, it may reduce your self-confidence and self-worth.

WESLEY SO (First World Champion in Fischer Random Chess) Image Courtesy of Nick Barton

Learn to accept corrections.

Accepting corrections from your superior or coach makes you more skilled, and it can formulate your whole being. Critics are not burdens, but aid for you to become the best version of yourself.

Don’t let your Pride consume you. Get help from other people.

Pride can destroy one’s character and goal. It is natural to ask guidance or advice from your family, friends, or your superior. No one succeeds without the help of other people.


Most people don’t dare to withstand their mission or goals in life. Some people are afraid to fall.

Commonly, everyone experiences failures, but learn to stand after a fall.

If you fail on the first try, don’t stop and continue to reach your goals. Stopping doesn’t help you, failure does.


How to be the best version of yourself?

It’s not easy to become the best version of yourself, but you need to leap to accomplish what your visions are.

By following these helpful tips, it may guide you to take your first step, to pursue your objective, and be closer to your dreams.