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PNP personnel to be required to meet bodyweight requirements for schooling

PNP personnel to be required to meet bodyweight requirements for schooling, promotion, etc.

The discrete standards in Body Mass Index (BMI) required by the Philippine National Police (PNP) goes in the light of highly imposing those standards. BMI is a delicate measurement of your fats in regards to your height. Consequently, it won’t keep its global norms since it forces an extraordinary disparity regarding tallness and weight between the Filipino residents applying to be police contrasted with international police officers.

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Photo: PNP

During the Monday Flag Raising Ceremony, newly installed Chief PNP Police General Dionardo B Carlos said that “We will continue the BMI. However, it will be your personal and my personal individual responsibility to keep ourselves fit because that is needed or required by our job. Hindi biro ang trabaho natin sa baba. Monitor your own BMI. Kung sa tingin mo kailangan mo ng tulong ng programa ng PNP, nandiyan po yan.”

The PNP has already issued a Memorandum Circular No. 2020-029 or the Inclusion of BMI as a requirement for promotion.

Under the Circular, ALL PNP personnel applying for promotion shall be evaluated by the BMI Board to determine whether they shall be endorsed for promotion or referred for medical intervention.

Who are qualified for promotion under BMI?

Only PNP personnel with normal and/or PNP Acceptable BMI shall be considered for promotion.

OVERWEIGHT and OBESE personnel MAY be recommended for promotion when the BMI Board certifies after evaluation that the applicant shows significant improvement based on his/her BMI monitoring starting November 2019.

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Photo: PNP

The PNP members will begin to lose their unnecessary fats in order to lessen down their weight. It will serve a prerequisite as well as a duty particularly when you are applying for advancement or on the off chance that you need new assignments. And not just also by that as this will serves of imposing healthy officers where it prioritizes the idea of you can live up to long and continue your service. 

Moreover, this is exceptionally required just like the police should be adjusted intellectually yet more on physically as its activity is tiring and needs a great deal of vitality to console the security of the residents.

The scope of BMI estimation must be on or between 18.5 to 24.9. It was then favored by former PNP Chief Gen. Oscar Albayalde as he educated the National Police Training Institute to secure first the necessary BMI before the individuals will move on from their essential before the members will graduate from their basic police training. 

As of now, the BMI for promotion was suspended through a memorandum dated June 29, 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic. However, mandatory schooling and lateral entry/PNP applicants are required to meet the ideal BMI.