Best Five Practices of Police Regional Office 11
Best Five Practices of Police Regional Office 11
Regional Office 11 recently activated its Best Practices Board under General
Order No. 1165 to evaluate the proposed best practices effectively – making the
regional office one of the best-performing police regional offices in the
What are the five deliberated
emerging best practices of PRO11?
Detainees Safety
Deposit Box

was conceptualized by former Provincial Director of Davao Sur Police Provincial
Office PSSUPT DARIO Gunabe. It is designed to have a proper storage
box for the detainees’ belongings, avoid the commission of crimes inside the
detention cell, and eliminate the incidence of lost belongings of detainees.
Save and Educate a

rising crime incidents involving minors prompted the conceptualization of this
initiative, according to PNP Regional Office 11’s website. The program started
last 2003. This project is an alternative strategy of Davao City Police Office
Police Station1 (Sta. Ana) to those minors who have committed crimes covered by
the Juvenile Justice System. The primary goal of this project is to save minors
from committing more crimes and give educational assistance to Out of School Youth, Children at Risk, and
Children in Conflict with the Law to have a brighter future.
Tactical Action Camera

is a project launched last December 1, 2015, under the leadership of former 2nd
Maneuver Company Commander of RMFB PCI Mark Kim Aquino. The project “TAC” or “Tactical Action Camera” is a new strategic approach in law
enforcement to document the activity through video and audio recording fully.
This kind of approach shall also address the validity of every police
operation, aid in the investigation process, and review possible lapses of PNP
operatives during actual service.
Drug Surrenderers
Reformation Plan (Project Disaster Action Team)

practice aims to train the Drug Surrenderers on Disaster Management
Preparedness and Search and Rescue Operations in their respective Barangays.
According to Philippine National Police, Davao City Central 911 identified six
(6) disaster-prone barangays within Davao City. With this, the unit coordinated
with the Davao City Police Office regarding the numbers of drug surrenderers in
the six (6) Barangays. The officers subsequently conducted a meeting with the concerned
barangays to gather their drug surrenderers to participate in the project.
Oplan Liwanag

Liwanag is a community-based transformation and intervention intended for
Volunteers Submitted for Reform (VSR) in the province of Compostela Valley. It is a joint project between the Compostela
Valley Police Provincial Office (CVPPO) and the Provincial Government Unit of
Compostela Valley to purposely provide a rehabilitation program to the rising
number of drug surrenderers. The PNP played a vital role in delivering and
assessing information as to who will undergo the program.
PNP has accomplished significant milestones in its transformation journey. The
agency devoted extensive resources and energy to contribute change the country
positively. The PNP is dedicated to maintain transforming to a credible police
service that the country rightly deserves
Revitalized-Police sa Barangay 2021
“Pulis Sa Barangay” program, which is embodied in “BAYANIHAN” or Barangay
Peacekeeping Operations (BPO), was first introduced in 2011 and mandates the
formation of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) as force multipliers.
However, due to a lack of personnel
to deploy in the barangays, the initiative was not maintained.
Now, the PRO 11 official ensured that the initiative was re-launched with proper government funding and supported by the local government units.
PRO 11 Director Brigadier General Filmore B Escobal believes that recreating this past program by revitalizing it and educating its personnel could be a viable program for the PNP to accomplish Executive Order 70 or Ending Local Communist Armed Conflict, which was piloted in this region (ELCAC).